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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

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Ninja Craps Pro


    TOURNAMENTS & LONG ROLLS                          


Here's what the Dice Coach and crew have located in the way of tournaments and Long Roll contests.  By knowing where these places are you can go there and: 

Bet the minimum and check out the length of your roll
Schedule your next trip and where to stay 
Determine what casinos to visit on your next trip
Qualify for a tournament
Win some neat merchandise
Get mentioned in the DiceCoach.Com newsletter for Longest Roll!
And ... best of all .... win some $$$!!!

We will keep this list up-to-date as we learn about new craps tournaments and long roll contests.  Tell all of your friends about this and check back often


LVH, 3000 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, NV 89109  - (800) 732-7117

Casino Description: The 30 story LVH majestically overlooks the gaming capital of the world. Only one block off the Las Vegas Strip and includes crystal chandeliers and marble floors. 

The LVH remains one of Vegas' icons of the gaming industry.  Over 67,000 square feet of gaming space with great craps tables and friendly pit personnel.
Tournament/Contest Type: $100,000 Prize
Tournament Rules: Click Here
Date/Frequency: May 24-26, 2012
Places: 1st Place is $50,000
Notes: Stop by the LVH the next time you are in town and try your luck qualifying for their $100,000 tournament.

When you hit a $5 (or more) bet on 11 on the come-out roll, you win:

   - Complimentary entry in to the tournament
   - Room may be comped based on play

OR ...

You can pay the tournament entry fee of $499 and get the same items listed above.  This is a great opportunity for to try and make it for $5

For more information call 1-800-457-3307


This Tournament has been Canceled!

The Dice Coach and his video crew went out today (4/30/08)to shoot the May video for our "Living in Las Vegas Series." Our camera crew consists of Pablo (Web Master) his wife Pat, Beth (Mrs. Dice Coach) and myself. We started the day off at PT’s for breakfast, then on to the Las Vegas strip for our video series. Our new video should be up on our Home page shortly.

When we finished our videoing on the Strip I decided we all needed to go to the LVH to qualify for the Oct. Craps tournament.

We all entered the LVH through the sports book area and headed for the craps tables. When we got to the craps tables, two were open, one was full and the other was completely empty.

Beth and I split a buy-in bankroll as did Pat and Pablo. At breakfast we taught Beth and Pat how to set for a come out 11 "YO". Beth was the first shooter at SR2 and made two passes and several numbers, but no come out 11. I (the Dice Coach) shot next and guess what? Point and 7 out, ouch!!

Pablo, at stick-left-end, made two passes and a few numbers but no come out "YO". Pat was the next shooter, hit a point, made two passes and a few numbers, made two second roll "YO'S", and also threw the dice off the table about five times! The suit had to go "dice chasing". He even borrowed the stick from the table to fetch from under the other table! Later Pat decided her handle should be "bounce-em-off!"

Beth is set to throw the dice for her second time, set the dice for the 3V threw an on axis 6/5 "YO" on the first toss. We all had $5.00 on the YO and $5.00 on the World Bet. She hit several craps numbers, so the bad World Bet became a good bet.

Thanks to Beth, all four of us are entered into the Oct. LVH Craps Tournament!!

For more information call 1-800-457-3307

Fremont Casino, 200 E. Fremont Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101  - (800) 634-6182

Casino Description: Sam Boyd's Fremont Hotel and Casino is the heartbeat of downtown Las Vegas. Located on the famous four-corners of Casino Center.
Tournament/Contest Type: Longest Roll(s)
Date/Frequency: 24 Hours a day
Places: n/a  You are going for a long roll to qualify for merchandise at the players club.
Notes: With a minimum $5 bet the Boxman will count each of your rolls. You must get at least 25 to qualify and then you are "paid" with a slip of paper that can be redeemed at the Players Card center for merchandise. 

You can accumulate these slips over a 24-hour period and combine them  for bigger and better prizes.

They have a nice little display in the center of the table so you can see how many rolls the shooter (or you) has made.


100% Money-back guarantee if not fully satisfied.

The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong - but that's the way to bet. -Damon Runyon-

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