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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

Ninja Craps Pro

Ninja Craps Pro


    CRAPS RULES                         


LVH Craps Tournament Rules 

- Each player will start each session with $5,000 in tournament chips. Maximum bet is $2,500 and minimum bet is $100.

- Sessions consist of 25 minutes plus one more throw

- Players must be in their spot 5 minutes prior to the start of the round.

- Minimum proposition bet is $25 in $25 increments
- Maximum proposition bet is as follows:
$1,000 Eleven, Ace, Deuce
$ 500 Twelve, Aces
$2,000 Hard 4 & 10
$3,000 Any seven
$1,500 Hard 6 & 8
$2,000 Any Craps

- Limits do not apply to odds bets

- Lay bets may exceed limits due to the odds
- Each player has to have at least a minimum $100 Pass Line or Don't Pass bet every "come out" roll.
- Everyone must shoot (No passing the dice)
- If you are on the don't and you don't like the number you shoot, you can switch to the do and bet at least table minimum.
- If you are the last shooter and you are on the don't you can switch to the do, but you cannot reduce the bet.
- All double down bets will be paid all the way down.
- Any disputes with payoffs must be settled before the dice leave the middle of the table
- A number will be drawn to see who bets first in the last round. - No hop bets will be allowed - Maximum place bet is $2,500, except $3,000 on 6 and 8.
- Players may not bet the pass line and the don't pass line at the same time.
- Buy bets will only be allowed on the 4 and 10.
- If a player is not in his/her position at the start of the session, he/she will lose $500 a roll until their bankroll is gone, then the player will be disqualified.
- When the stickman calls "No more bets," there will be no more betting allowed.
- Once a bet is placed it may not be changed until the next roll.
- To determine the first shooter, a random draw will be held before each session. - A shooter continues to roll until they seven out. The dice will then pass to the player in the next position.
- If the wrong shooter accidentally rolls the dice, the roll is called a "No Roll."
- If for any reason there is a "No Roll," bets may be called off; otherwise, all bets must play as they lay.
- If two different points are marked, the tournament officials will determine the outcome. - In the preliminary, semi-final and final rounds, play will stop after 25 minutes of play, each player's tournament chips will be counted and then there will be one final roll.
- At the end of the tournament rounds, all bets still in action will be taken down and returned to each player, including all Pass Line and Come bets.
- At the end of each round, each player's remaining chips will be counted down and verified. - Players MAY NOT use writing devices at the table to write down other player's chip count.
- In the event of a tie, the number of players involved in the tie will determine the number of rolls: three rolls per player. Each player will be given a total of $1,000 in tournament chips and the playoff will begin. (For advancement purposes only) In the event of a tie at the final table for final position after the final roll which ever contestant had the "Highest single round score" will receive the higher final placement.
- All chips must be accounted for before results become official.
- All protests must be handled at the tournament table before the players leave the table.
- All decisions made by the tournament director ARE FINAL.
- Any player who becomes offensive to other players may be disqualified and subject to forfeiture of any prize money.
- No communication, either verbal or visual, will be permitted between players and spectators.
- Any signaling between players or spectators may result in disqualification and forfeiture of any prize money.
- Spectators who draw attention to or comment on play or bets will be asked to leave the tournament area.
- A player will be eliminated if they are in violation of the tournament rules, or if they voluntarily withdraw.
- LVH's house rules will prevail over any situation not covered in the tournament rules.
- The LVH reserves the right to change, alter or cancel the tournament or tournament rules without notice.
- The LVH reserves the right to refuse entry into the tournament to any player at any time.
- The official tournament language is English.
- Any dispute or situation not covered by these rules shall be resolved by the property's management in a manner that is deemed fair to all parties. If the patron is not satisfied with management's decision, he/she may exercise their rights under NRS 463.362 and request the Nevada Gaming Control Board to review the matter.
- Colony Resorts LVH Acquisitions LLC or any entity designated by them are granted the right to photograph, videotape, record or film participants and to use their name or likeness for purposes of any promotion, publicity, or advertising.
- All winners have the choice of either prize money being paid out in "one time bet" promotional chips or by LVH casino event check.

Players can use their Double Up Chip ONE TIME per session to double a payoff. The Double Up Chip can be used on any wager, ONE TIME per session. One time per session the player can hand their Double Up Chip to the dealer and advise them to double the payoff. The cost of the Double Up Chip is $100. The Double Up Chip can be used ONE TIME per session throughout the entire tournament. Once a pay off is picked up off the layout, it may no longer be doubled.

Opportunity is sometimes hard to recognize if you're only looking for a lucky break. - Monta Crane -

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