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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

Ninja Craps Pro

Ninja Craps Pro




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"The Dice Coach is a most personable, knowledgeable, and a most giving individual.  He is someone I certainly will always try to meet with on my trips to Vegas and one that I will always look up to as a mentor."
- R. F. Hawaii -

The Dice Coach took a look at my throw, then taught me a Zone key for locking in mentally by finding "my spot" on the table and repeatedly nailing it with the dice. Sounded strange to me, but I used the technique that night and went on a forty-minute roll at Caesar's Palace. Maybe this thing does work after all?  Thanks, Coach!  - OX BONES - 

The casino is crowded; you want to play but the tables are full. You've just spotted a guy ready to leave a table because he just lost all of his money. But why would you want to take his place?

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