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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

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    EVENT RESULTS 2014                         


Results from 2015 Events...
Results from 2014 Events...

Veteran's Day Crapfest (November 2015)

We started out at 777's downtown Main Street Station.
Looks like 20 plus people showed up for a light dinner
a few drinks social event, enough for people to get to
know each other.

Saturday AM class (7) attendees learning the correct
Toss mechanics and landing zone. Break for one of Beth's
awesome lunches! 2:00 PM we started up again with (6) attendees
Learning about how to read and bet the table, still working on players
Sunday AM class the Alumni Advanced betting strategies (7) attendees.
On our no 7's contest Thomas came in third Pappyvanwinkle and Maddog
tied for first place decided to chop the pot.

Sunday live session 2:00 PM SLS we were on two different tables, I thought the tables were very bouncy. Personally I won't be playing there again. The two best hands on my table was Maddog form inside hook with a 16 roll hand very impressive (4) passes. Dice coach had the second best hand with (1) Pass and (11) roll hand choppy table. I made a very small profit.

Monday 8:00 AM Starbucks Golden Nugget meeting with the Vets! We ended up at the 4 Queens, table very playable. A very choppy game. Heavy shooting form SR 1 had one good hand along with Irish SL 1 (25) roll hand with (2) passes.
The hand of the day I missed while cashing in at the cage. I returned to the game watching Heavy toss the hand of the weekend. The most impressive number (10) he had pressed it up to table max $500.00. Now come out set the point of guess what? Yes the (10)
unfortunately he did not make that point. Heavy made a great profit of $1,100.00 on that
session. Great shooting Heavy.

According to the feedback I received everyone had a great time and learned a whole lot about the game.
Looking forward to our next seminar. Dice Coach

Join "Heavy's axispowercraps site Join for FREE now you are a member and can join in conversation or just read and enjoy. Tell "Heavy" the Dice Coach sent you to him. follow the Craps Fest link go to:

Thank you for all who attended. Dice Coach

Dice Busters Results (June 2015)

Who You Gonna Call...Next June?

The Dice Busters™ program, held June 2015, was a "rolling" success. Sure, that could be said for all the previous programs. However, this one was hitting on all twelve cylinders.

With limited seating, the makeup of a class is always unique. Each Dice Busters™ class is a true expression of likeminded energy. By that I mean, complete strangers are drawn together, from all parts of the world, with a common goal. It is a perfect example the law of attraction. Like meteors hurling through space, the students collect as one and enter the atmosphere of Las Vegas. They convene on the same day, at the same place, and at the same time. It is not by accident or coincidence. It simply the law of attraction, metaphysical energy, that explains how complete strangers manage to gather for a once in a lifetime meeting.

The morning of Dice Busters™, students began to arrive twenty-five minutes early. In fact, every single student was early. Intention and commit are two necessary ingredients for success. The group was unusual, as each student was fairly new to the game. Each owned about one year of dice experience. Without having to re-tool for bad habits, the open minded students were as quick as they were eager to take on the knowledge shared by the Dice Busters ™ team.

The morning lesson kicked off with a round of introductions. Each person shared a bit of background and their motives for attending Dice Busters™. Program norms were explained. The show began with a lesson about identifying the energy present, the unseen information that can be supportive for a player's results in a craps game. It is like a puzzle. The task involves identifying the important pieces. You start with the corners and then you get the "picture" into focus, as you put more puzzle pieces together.

Each student received a personalized critique of their toss mechanics with the dice. During this time, conservative betting, the concept of playing it safe, was introduced. A virtual game was played from the resulting rolls. The benefit of witnessing eleven other shooters adjust flaws and learning how to critique a dice roll is priceless. It is the only way to help yourself in the heat of a game.

Before the lunch break, there was a recap of the morning's information and students related what they had learned. The show did not stop, even for lunch, questions were answered and interactive discussions with the coaches took place.

After lunch, the students learned advanced plays for betting and how to recognize the appropriate conditions for making the bets. In other words, when to use the "bait" that the fish are hitting.

The skilled shooting that took place, during the practice sessions, was remarkable! Each student had outstanding rolls. The energy was high, even after a grueling day of lessons. The expenditure of energy, throughout the day, was acknowledged. It is unavoidable, with so many years of dice experience to be shared. With that said, the casino session is always prefaced with specific cautions and, of course, the fatigue factor. The results in the virtual game are not necessarily translated into the casino session.

Side note: The Dice Busters™ casino sessions have been scheduled on the morning following the one day program. However, contrary to the coaches' advice to rest up and not stay out late, it never happens. The next morning, several of the students show up at the casino session dragging their wagons, with just a few hours of sleep. The coaches have conceded to holding the casino session after a few hours rest following the classroom presentation.

Following the two hour break, a reserved table awaited the group for their live session. The energy was high. The anticipation that each player would continue to shoot, as they had back at the Dice Coach's dice pit, was obvious. Also, perhaps not so obvious, was the typical "stage fright" that is exhibited each year. The pressure of performing on cue, for some, is intimidating. For others, it comes down to a fear of failure. And last, some simply disengage all together, hoping that the coaches will show "their stuff". These are true emotional feelings, and even though they are addressed prior to the casino session, it is reality, none the less.

The game started off like a dog fight. The dice looked good, but no one could sustain a hand. Just the same, by hanging with the morning's lessons of conservative play, most of the students avoided a bloody nose. There were a few hands that made a little bit of profit, which helped stave off the hemorrhaging.

After one complete round of shooting, the group settled and dug in their heels. Refusing to take it laying down, the ice broke with a nice hand that got the group back in the grove. Others followed with hands that showed a profit and the shift in energy pulled the game out of the ditch. All in all, it was nothing notable to brag on. Let me say that by hanging with the basic plays, we kept the gaming going until confidence kicked in, the game regained consistency and longer rolls that made "cents". (sic) In the end, most players had recouped losses and made a profit. The session ended after three hours of play.

The follow-up debriefing was short. The students were satisfied with their experience expressing their gratitude to the coaches for sharing their expertise.

By midmorning of the next day, the Dice Coach was receiving positive text reports from several of the students who teamed up to play after the program. With students reporting positive results, the Dice Busters™ team rested assured that they had delivered another successful event, confirmed by satisfied customers.

Spring Fling Results (May 16th-17th 2015)

Number of the day (4)! See the roll recording below!

Ian SL-1 longest roll (21) (1) pass with (7) 4's, second hand (5)
Mike T SL-2 (7) rolls (1) pass. second hand (4)
Clark T SL-3 (5)
Heavy SO (7) second hand (6) if you had a third I didn't get that one
Ron S. SR-1 (5) second hand (17) no passes
Ron H. SR-2 (7)

Beau SO my usual PSO, 2nd hand two and out. Hit Clark’s late chips into the game.
My third hand made one point. Didn't count my hand as I put my pin and paper away. I think I had around 10 or 12 rolls.

KC SO PSO he is in my club! Live make up session from Biloxi.
Both sessions were complete at one table. Bally’s on the Las Vegas Strip!

Lunch time Howard Rock n’ Roller showed up. He showed the students several of his personal shots from different positions. He does put on a good dice tossing show!

During the course of the week several students made several great hands in the 30 to 40 range. Mike T. a 41 roll hand four to the Fire!
Everyone had a great time most won money.

Live roll tracking:


Our next Great event is July 24th. To 26th. Click Here

Dice Coach: Rock n' Roller Workshop 2015

Our workshop began on Saturday, March 21st with four students from four different states.

The Saturday morning study-workshop covered the mechanics (grips-sets and toss), while the afternoon was spent on betting strategies and perfecting each person's individual game.

Sunday was dedicated to live play in the casinos.  With live sessions, you never know what you will get.  We experienced the extra challenge of finding a playable (and available) table due to the influx of people in town for the March-Madness basketball play-offs.

First stop on Sunday-Bally's at 8:30 AM.  One table was open and full, with a $15.00 minimum bets.  So we moved on.

Paris had two tables open, both completely full.  One was a $25.00 minimum and the other $10.00.  March Madness basketball play-offs were playing havoc with game availability.

Our next stop was downtown at the Grand (old Lady Luck). There we found one table open with a $5.00 minimum.

We were all able to get on this table with only some of us out of position.

Round-one highlights:

Mike from Calif. S/L (2) rolled three hands as follows:  rolls of 11 - 28 -19. He is a brand new student and a quick learner!

Koi from Las Vegas S/L (1) is a veteran player, with rolls of 22 - 15 – 3.  On the 22-roll hand, he hit 4 to the fire bet! 

Howard was S/O with an 11 roll hand.  Dice Coach was S/O and rolled 3 and out!

First live session: 1 hour 45 minutes.

After our play, we all received comps lunch at the café.


Round two highlights: 

Koi at S/R had 20 rolls.  

Bob from Colorado at S/L rolled 17 with 1 point.  

Mike at S/L had 22 rolls with 3 to the fire and was working on the fourth.  

Rich, a local at S/O had 16 rolls with 2 points and nailing the 10 five times, two of which were hard! 

Jim from Texas at S/O with18 rolls, hitting one point. 

Bob again at S/L had 17 rolls and 2 points.

Howard had 21 rolls, while Dice Coach passed the dice.

 Second live session: three hours.

 I left after two hours.  I think everyone made money; I know I did even though I did not shoot well. 

The focus in these live sessions is on the students and not on my personal game. Not to make any excuses, but these sessions are not about the Coaches, they are all about the students. 

I love to see all of them do well!

Of course yesterday Wednesday March 25th. Shooting with Howard and Koi at the same casino I had a 29 roll hand, only two passes, dominate numbers 5 and 8. Shooting from inside hook to the opposite inside hook. Dice set 6-1-1-6 axis.

A couple of days before the class, I tossed a 45 roll hand from stick right, hitting 17 Hard ways.
Howard Rock n' Roller.

Veteran's Day Crapfest Nov. 7th – 10th. 2014

Follow the thread on Heavy's Axis Power Craps forum

Join "Heavy's" forum it's FREE go tell Steve aka "Heavy" Haltom the Dice Coach sent you to him to join his forum.

We cranked up the live sessions at 2PM and ran almost to 7PM. About every hour and fifteen minutes we took a fifteen to twenty minute "get off your feet" break. Note that the roll results are not in the same order as Bankerdude's tracking as we tracked shooters by their name from the order they were listed on the student roster - not by their table positions. Therefore, the numbers may appear somewhat different from what he presented above. Here's how the rolls came out according to the tracking sheets I received:

Shooter 1: 5 - 9 - 7out
Shooter 2: 10 - 8 - 7out
Shooter 3: 2 - 6 - 9 - 12 - 9 - 7out
Shooter 4: 4 - 20 - 5 - 9 - 7out
Shooter 5: 5 - 9 - 5 - 8 - 4H - 7out
Shooter 6: 9 - 7out
Shooter 7: 5 - 11 - 8 - 8 - 9 - 7out

Now, I can tell you that somewhere in the middle of this first session Dice Coach and I compared notes on the fact that the sevens were continuing to come out after the nines - but that the eight was also turning into an indicator for the session. Yeah, I know. Connecting the dots. But that's what charting is all about. Observing something to help you play in the moment.

Shooter 8: 4 - 8 - 8 - 5 - 5 - 10 - 7out
Shooter 9: 9 - 6 - 6 - 3 - 7out
Shooter 10: 5 - 9 - 7out
Shooter 11 - I'll admit this was me from straight out: 4 - 6 - 9 - 5 - 12 - 6 - 9 - 10 - 9 - 3 - 11 - 7out
Shooter 12 - This was Dice Coach from straight out: 4 - 11 - 10H - 7out
Shooter 13 - This was Irishsetter from straight out: 4 - 10 - 5 - 9 - 12 - 6 - 6 - 10 - 5 - 5 - 7out
Shooter 14 - This was Rock 'n Roller from stick left three: 9 - 5 - 7out
One shooter passed the dice. This concluded our first session.

76 rolls
0 passes
0 come out naturals
14 seven-outs
average hand length: 5.42

So what did we learn from this? First off, it takes awhile to get dialed in on a table the first time you play it. I don't think anyone really got dialed in in this case. Second, we had a lot of folks shooting from out of position, which harkens back to the "do you want to shoot the dice or do you want to win?" querie. Considering the amount of time we spent over the course of the weekend discussing charting and "playing in the moment," I think we can also add "do you want to play the right side exclusively or do you want to win?" to the list of questions we ask ourselves at these events.

Frankly, if I could toss a 12 roll hand like I did in the first session - EVERY session - I'd be in fat city. No, I didn't make a pass. But I did score repeaters on the nine and the six, and I would have had my bets off thanks to the back-to-back horn numbers when the seven showed. And yes, I'd have won that second "see a horn - bet a horn" bet. I'd have lost $4 the roll after the 12 showed.

When we cranked back up after the break between sessions one and two we moved some folks around. I'll get those roll results posted tomorrow.

"Get in, get up, and get gone!"
- Heavy


Meanwhile, back to the Saturday sessions at the Downtown Grand. Live Session #2. We had some better hands this trip around the table and I'll go ahead and identify the forum members whose hands were decent.

Shooter - Bankerdude: 7 - 2 - 8 - 4 - 12 - 9 - 4 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 12 - 11 - 5 - 5 - 9 - 7out (16 numbers - 1 come out natural - inside number money hand)
Shooter 2: 7 - 5 - 10 - 7out
Shooter 3: 6 - 8 - 7out
Shooter 4: 3 - 6 - 11 - 9 - 9 - 7out
Shooter 5: 9 - 7out
Shooter 6: 6 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 9 - 7
Shooter 7: 2 - 6 - 6 - 9 - 9 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 6 - 7out (3 pass hand - 11 numbers)
Shooter - Darth N8er: 7 - 4 - 4 - 6 - 3 - 10 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 11 - 5 - 10 - 11 - 9 - 11 - 7out (16 numbers - 1 pass - 4 - 5 - 10 money hand)
Shooter - Heavy: 9 - 11 - 8 - 12 - 4 - 3 - 8 - 6 - 6 - 3 - 8 - 10 - 8 - 3 - 8 - 8 - 9p - 5 - 9 - 7out (20 numbers - 1 pass - inside number money hand)
Shooter - Dice Coach: 3 - 8 - 5 - 8 - 4 - 12 - 7out (7 numbers - 1 pass)
Shooter - Irishsetter: 2 - 8 - 3 - 11 - 7 (5 numbers - see a horn bet a horn win - LOL)
Shooter - Howard Rock n Roller: 7 - 8 - 8p - 10 - 6 - 5 - 9 - 5 - 10p - 7 - 2 - 7 - 4 - 5 - 7out (15 numbers - 2 passes - 3 come out naturals - money hand)

Okay, looking at these numbers a couple of things stand out. Let's say YOU were charting this trip around the table. How would you have approached the hands? Would you have turned your bets off after the 9 rolled? Look back at the first session results. See a "trend" at this table. Look at how many back-to-back repeaters we had. If you did not make money on this turn around the table you need to reevaluate your betting strategy.

This trip around the table we had 12 shooters. There were 111 numbers rolled. The average hand this trip around the table increased to 9.25.

Two session results - 26 shooters - 186 numbers rolled - Average hand 7.15 rolls.

"Get in, get up, and get gone!"
- Heavy


Now let's jump to group session 3. At this point those of us who were there for all three sessions were suffering. We're talking five hours on your feet at the table. Long time for a guy who normally plays for about 45 minutes per session for no more then 2 - 3 sessions a day. Once again, I'll identify hands by the coaches just so you can laugh at us. We were down to 11 shooters this session with a couple of guys busting out early for whatever reasons.

Shooter 1: 6 - 6p - 9 - 6 - 9p - 7p - 6 - 4 - 7out (9 tosses - 2 passes - all inside numbers until the four rolled - followed by the seven)
Shooter 2: 9 - 8 - 8 - 7out
Shooter 3: 5 - 8 - 7out (remember what I said earlier about the nine being an indicator? it appears the 8 is the bad boy now)
Shooter 4: 3 - 5 - 5p - 3 - 11 - 10 - 10p - 4 - 7out (interesting hand - two passes - one see a horn opportunity - and the four followed by the seven)
Shooter 5: 2 - 10 - 7out
Shooter - Heavy: 7 - 8 - 3 - 10 - 7out (I have to tell you I was stunned to see the seven this early after my first two hands)
Shooter - Dice Coach: 7p - 11p - 12 - 3 - 4 - 4p - 7p - 7p - 8 - 10 - 6 - 9 - 6 - 7out (Dice Coach came to the party with five passes, including four naturals - and a serious money see-a-horn string)
Shooter - Irishsetter: 3 - 6 - 4 - 7out
Shooter - Howard Rock 'n Roller: 6 - 4 - 10 - 6p - 8 - 4 - 4 - 9 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 4 - 8p - 4 - 6 - 9 - 5 - 11 - 8 - 6 - 4P 11 - 3 - 9 - 5 - 11 - 4 - 4 - 7out (Definite money maker at 29 rolls. 10 fours and tens - 5 sixes - on this hand both one of Dice Coach's guys from Chicago and I both had our fours up to $1000. He had his six up to $420 - I was lagging behind at $180. Both of us recouped all of our losses from the previous sessions on this hand)
Shooter 10: 6 - 4 - 8 - 4 - 4 - 7out
Shooter 11: 4 - 9 - 4p - 8 - 7out

Additional analysis to follow. Meanwhile - I have a dinner date.

"Get in, get up, and get gone!"
- Heavy

"Dice Coach - Howard Rock N' Roller Workshop August 9th-10th"

Casino Re - Cap Cromwell  8:00 AM to 9:45 AM
Sheldon SL3 (19) rolls (4) passes to the Fire Bet.
Sheldon was to only one who hit the Fire Bet in live play. 
Congratulations to Sheldon!

 Cindy from S/O next to me, after four other shooters made the first pass.  (17) rolls (2) passes.

Playing time for this session was one hour forty five minutes with 113 total rolls from all shooters.  There were 7 passes -14 no passes. 

As you can see a very cold table.  They were two winners and 6 losers at this session. 
(Note: The winning players played the dark side some of the time.)

Unfortunately the instructors could not catch a hand shooting from straight out. 

Break for Breakfast at Rio - Hash House A Go-Go.  It was my idea to have breakfast here -probably a mistake.  Over rated food and service.  The prices were to also high, will not go there again.

Back in action -casino session Bally's 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. 

Les S/L 2 (22) rolls (3) passes!  Les your dice were looking so good! 

Josh S/L 3 (22) (1) pass and (11) (2) passes.  Josh you are the man hitting 7's on the come out rolls!  Hoping the 7's and laying the backline was the way to go you your shooting! 

Merryl S/R 1 (17) rolls with (2) passes.  Later that night Merryl hit (4) to the Fire Bet with a 30 minute roll. 

Cindy also caught a (17) roll hand with several passes.  Congratulations to the girls!  Cindy S/O (14) rolls with no passes, but that's  ok - it is still a money hand.

Jeannie, -Sheldon's wife- at S/O (18) rolls (2) passes, way to go! 

Howard form S/L 1 (14) with (1) pass, he tossed lots of inside numbers. 

Howard's friend Rich S/R 1 with an off axis shot. (15) rolls (3) passes!

Dice Coach could not catch a hand -my longest roll was (7) (1) pass. 

Coach needs to practice!!  :(;(

 I personally think the illustration of Howard's new grips and tosses was wonderful.

With practice and the different table conditions, you now have something to work with.

"Great American Craps Shoot"

July 2014
Session (1) 1:30 - 3:15 PM Bally's

Thom M. SR1 (10) roll hand note: Thom had already made two passes before I arrived.  Second hand (7)

Shawn B. SL1 (6) second hand (2)

Linda H. SL2 (15) 3 passes second hand S/L1  (26) 2 passes

Bobby N. SL2 (2)

"Heavy" S/0 (4)

Bryan B. Inside Hook (7)

Kevin M. S/O (9) second hand (11) 1 pass

Dice Coach (24) 2 passes

Fred M. S/R2 (4) second hand (14) 1 pass

Lawrie L. S/R3 (4) second hand S/O (14) 1 pass

Note: (8) Passes (12) no passes

Total rolls for this session (114)

Session (2) 4:00 – 5:45 PM CROMWELL

Linda H. S/L1 (13) 1 pass second hand (3)

Bobby N. S/L2 (5) 1 pass

Kevin M. S/O (15) 2 passes

Fred M. S/O (4)

Linda L. S/O (10) 1 Pass

Thom M. right of stick S/O (19) 2 passes

Nahme S/R1 (35) hit 4 to the Fire Bet

Dice Coach S/R1 PSO (2)

"Heavy" S/L2 (3)

Note:  (12) passes (11) No Pass

Total rolls (93)

Session (3) 6:30-7:45 PM Paris

Kevin M. Left of stick S/O (16) 2 passes, second hand (8) rolls 1 pass, third hand (10) 2 passes.

Lawrie L. right of stick S/O PSO (2) second hand (10)

Fred M. S/O (6)

Bryan B. SR1 (23) 1 pass

Nahme SR1 (5)

Linda H. S/L1 (15) 2 passes, second hand (4)

Joe P. S/L2 (4)

Note: (8) passes (6) no pass

Total rolls (91)

See the thread of the entire at

Dice Busters Results

June 2014

Go to Dice Busters web site:

The Dice Busters Experience this year occurred on the summer solstice. The world did not come to a stop… but the tilt of the earth on its axis headed back south.

June 21st: At 7:38am, Beth noticed a car out front of the house with someone reading in the car. At 8:11am the door bell rang and group of Dice Busters stood with broad smiles ready for the show. By 8:20am with coffee in hand, Dice Busters was underway with a group introduction. So what if the program kicked off about an hour early. We are here to serve. Client excitement, preparation, and ready for knowledge, was rewarded.

With rat-a-tat delivery the Professor kicked things off with several kinesthetic exercises designed to convey metaphysical concepts useful during play. Next, the Professor and Dice Coach covered numerous elements of advantage play. Reading table energy, conservative betting, determining a worthy game, signals for more aggressive betting, bankroll protection, stop loss, mechanics of dice influencing, grip, toss and self correction were cover as well as charting rolls. The Dice Coach shared examples of his personal experiences, demonstrating applications of each of these elements. During it all, the “boys” managed to pull off a practice session which included a personal toss critique and a tune up. At the same time, the students were also applying strategies learned during the morning’s session. After four hours of running and gunning with the Dice Coach and Professor, Beth served up a wholesome lunch. No stopping for small talk, gaming questions were answered during a working lunch. (Don’t talk with your mouth full.)

Following the lunch break, class resumed to demonstrate answers to questions asked during the discussions at lunch. The coaches followed up with instructions for the casino session.

The group met at a near by casino. Two tables were open, but only one had “the look” of worthiness. The team slowly filtered into the game, each member settling into their preferred position. The game was typical, following probability. Recognizing the rough conditions, the team employed conservative strategies acquired during the morning class at the Dice Pit. “Tread water, we play to be in the game when the shooter shows up.” Sure enough after about eleven shooters had a frail attempt at the dice, BAM! Stan-the-Man, from Michigan, broke the ice with a nice hand accomplishing four completed passes to the Fire Bet. The next Dice Buster continued the trend with a profitable roll and then the Professor iced the cake with a string of eights and other inside numbers. (Not gluten free) Dice Coach provided the leadership and colored up. “We came to win.” He explained at the debriefing meeting held after the session. “See you boys at Bally’s tomorrow morning, 8:30 sharp.”

An extra casino session was provided this year, probably a poor substitute for Soft Touch’s absence. Deborah Garcia was unable to attend this year’s program due to last minute and unforeseen circumstances. All is well.

The Bally’s game was prefaced with a short pre-meeting. Questions were answered and a few pointers from the previous day’s lessons and casino session were shared. The game was contrary, meaning backward. Stan again pulled the string which helped get us out of the ditch, but that was about it until a last minute burst from the Professor.  He looked good coming out of the gate, but he faded down the backstretch. Still, the session at Bally’s became a necessary lesson on how to handle a complicated game. Short story, -  walk away sooner.

One weak link when playing with a group is having the discipline to keep to your personal game and not get sucked into group-play mentality. Dice Busters wrapped up with another debriefing and then fond farewells. So far, the trip reports received have all been positive. Catch you next June at the Dice Busters Experience.

Go to Dice Busters web site:

Gambling should be a planned "destination" trip. Never go gambling on a whim. - From Wit & Wisdom To Help You Win, by John Gollehon -

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