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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

Ninja Craps Pro

Ninja Craps Pro


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30 minutes of video time   $ 9.95      30 min  Buy Now!
60 minutes of video time   $ 19.95    15 min 75 min  Buy Now!
90 minutes of video time    $ 29.95    30 min 120 min  Buy Now!
120 minutes of video time   $ 39.95    45 min 165 min  Buy Now!
Premium - 8 hours of video time   $ 99.95    2 hrs 8 hrs  Buy Now!

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I've seen the Dice Coach stand at the table for an hour without making a bet. Then, the next thing you know he's won $300 and is heading for the door. No one understands the gambler's mantra better than the Dice Coach - 'Get in, get ahead and get gone.' - Heavy - Texas

The casino is crowded; you want to play but the tables are full. You've just spotted a guy ready to leave a table because he just lost all of his money. But why would you want to take his place?

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