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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

Ninja Craps Pro

Ninja Craps Pro




The Evolutionist

A year ago, Jerry Patterson (PARR) invited a group of well-known gaming authors to speak to the dice setting community in Las Vegas. These authors shared their views on how to gain an advantage playing craps in the casino. Opposing views on topics ranging from rhythm rolling, to money management and discipline were presented. The speakers certainly generated tremendous interest and influence on the way craps players play the game.

As the year progressed, I kept hearing and reading about how the player should declare war on the casinos. "Guerilla warfare," "Craps Revolution," "David and Goliath" were the recurring attitudes of how the underdog casino patron should attack the tables. All year I felt a bit unsettled, struggling with approaching the casino like some kind of commando in the 'jungle" of the craps pit. 

In reality, my approach has evolved and it has more to do with having a feel for the game. I have a kinder, gentler view toward the casinos myself and I'm still financially ahead of the game. Declaring war on the casinos might work for some. But I personally like to take the more positive approach. I look for Evolution rather than Revolution. Focusing on the prevailing positive energy seems to require a lot less effort on my part, than going to battle with the casinos.

I agree with Michael Vernon when he states, "We are not going to overthrow the casinos. The dice and the rules of the game are not going to change. So, change has to take place with the individual. And, that's that." And, that's just the way he said it.

So what's the evolutionist approach? It's all about learning self-empowerment. It's accepting the fact that there is no one absolute way of playing this game. Our choices are unlimited. For a craps player, it means having the freedom to continue to develop our own unique winning methods. Allowing our intuitive abilities to guide us in finding the simplest way to win, even, if this means staying out of a craps game.

There is a sub-group in our dice setting community who I consider to be evolutionists. They are self-reliant and embrace their unique approaches to their game. This group trades off security of methods, touted as the "only way of doing things", for the challenge of keeping an open mind to new discoveries. This group is always seeking options and opportunities in their quest to find a better way to play.

As evolutionists, they accept the consequences of their play and take ownership of their outcomes at the table. They never stop changing their methods, because then they would stop evolving. Rarely do I hear excuses for their performance at the table. Losses become lessons, and what is learned from any session furthers their self-empowerment. They know that "excuses" will only restrict their learning process. As cliché as it sounds, this group always looks forward to "expanding their horizons."

This brand of player refuses to argue about the best approach, dice set or system to play craps. They believe it to be pointless because it is considered subjective and personal, and accept that there will never be an agreement that one method is better than another. Again, all methods are options to be used with the right kind of table support.

Adopting an evolutionary approach offers a craps player tremendous benefits beyond what I have described. It is taking advantage of the seen and unseen subtleties, and that allows you the freedom to take command of your game.

Heavy Haltom of Axis Power Craps states the three most powerful words in a craps game are "take me down." How is it that he and the Dice Coach are able to sense when it is time to execute this simple three-word command? It all has to do with having a keen awareness of the subtleties of the game, seen and unseen. I know this allows them to "tailor" their winning approach.

As Michael Vernon explains, the subtleties of the game present themselves as feelings. The energy present at the table communicates "whispers" to the player. The individual must be switched "on" to the present moment in order to receive this subtle communication. Staying in "the moment" requires sensory flexibility, emotional detachment and the discipline to remain focused through out the game. To not exercise this aspect of your approach, really does not allow a player to take advantage of their full winning potential.

As for my evolutionary self, I think I'll focus on refining my game. Finding the right craps table, using my various dice sets and playing my game, by my method. I will flow with the energy, and wait to feel the game "whisper" in my ear….. "Take me down, please!"

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