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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

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Abandoned Chips

Sometimes in the course of a craps session, a player may run across a situation where unaccounted for chips could be considered "found money". The question is; is it a windfall for the player, or does the player have an obligation to return the money to the casino?

Not long ago, the Dice Coach and I had an interesting and thought provoking conversation about a situation he had experienced during one of his many craps playing sessions.

While playing a session at one of the Strip Casinos, Dice Coach watched the player next to him play the "field" area of the table. This particular player's game was back and forth, winning some bets and losing others at about the same rate. Finally the dice began to roll unfavorably and the field player, losing all of his black chips, walked off in disappointment.

On the 7- out, the dealer collected all the chips off the table, but neglected to pick up the one last black chip left in the field area.

As luck would have it, the next shooter rolled a come-out "boxcars". The dealer then paid the errant chip at 3 to 1.

The stickman then looked at the dealer and asked "Whose bet is that on the field?" and the dealer pointed to the Dice Coach.

At this point, Beau had a decision to make; either correct the dealer's mistake or take the money. Being a firm believer in Karma, he was honest and said that the dealer had neglected to pick up the field bet from the last shooter.

If the casino does make a mistake in your favor, are you under any obligation to correct them?

What's a player to do? It is an interesting dilemma and not an isolated incident for players who play frequently in the casino. There are legal, social and ethical issues associated with this situation that have to be taken into consideration. I do know that depending upon the state where the casino is located; there can be a legal obligation to turn in "found money" to the casino, who is then obligated to turn it over to the state.

There have been many times that I have found credits abandoned in a slot machine. I have found dollars on the casino floor dropped unknowingly by their previous possessors. I have even found a winning sports ticket here and there on a table that had not been cashed. In the old days I used to call it "drunk" money looking for a home, because inebriated players were too drunk to manage their cash and winnings.

What players feel they should do with found money in the casinos can make for interesting conversation based on our various belief systems. I don't feel there is a right or wrong answer here. It has to do with what we believe the experience to be.

These days I view the windfall of finding abandoned chips, credits and cash as a form of energy. In my life, everything is energy. And in situations like this, those chips can "come to mama." If the previous holder of that energy has abandoned it, well then it must mean that I am to care of it in further exchanges.

There can be two prevailing views on the matter, with a whole lot of gray area in between. It can range from "finders keepers, losers weepers" which justifies the retention of found casino money, to "don't take what doesn't belong to you" on the other side of the spectrum. Define "what" belongs to you? For some, the experience can present a perplexing moral dilemma.

Still, I feel it goes beyond that. It represents the possibility of new prosperity in our lives. Sometimes the money we discover in the casino clearly belongs to someone and should be returned appropriately. At other times the money becomes impossible to trace back to whom it belongs. It energetically finds its way to you, in which case I would say gladly accept and share the gift.

Every situation where "found money" is at issue must be viewed individually. Sometimes a little empathy is required when deciding what to do in each given situation. This can be very hard to do in a big casino. Part of the answer comes from caring for others as we care for ourselves. Yet for me, having mastered all ethical considerations, I gladly accept the prosperity, great and small, that comes to me in different shapes, forms and avenues.

Until next time, be open to prosperity dear players, wherever it may come from.

Soft Touch

If you risk nothing, then you risk everything. - Geena Davis -

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