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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

Ninja Craps Pro

Ninja Craps Pro




Question: How was your first year as the Dice Coach?

Answer: Fantastic!

It has been a great year! We have made a lot of new friends and have had the chance to play with some really great shooters. Being able to get together for fun, as well as for the classes, has enriched all of our lives. 

I am often asked, "How do you like teaching the game of Craps, and specifically Dice Setting and Precision Throwing?" We have had over 200 students pass through our classes this past year, with each person having their own styles of betting, grips and throwing, and each had their own gaming goals. It has been an interesting challenge to help each person find their own comfort zone and to help them to focus their play for the highest return on their investment. Teaching these classes has also benefited my personal game. It has allowed me to analyze various systems and perspectives, expanding my own knowledge, and allowing me to be more consistent in my own play. 

And not only have we learned more about each other and the various perspectives in Craps play, but we have touched on other casino games, bringing the principles of discipline and money management into all of our gaming endeavors

We are on the edge of a new era with dice setting and dice influence. There is a lot of information out there, free web sites and bulletin boards, as well as workshops and seminars on various perspectives of dice influence. And many books that offer systems, strategies and processes, each designed to give you the best opportunity at the game of craps. 

Helping my students increase their knowledge of the game, adding not only to their enjoyment but also to their bottom line, has been exciting. There is certainly something for everyone, and finding out which path is best for you has never been easier.

Yes, I have really enjoyed teaching and playing the game of craps this past year. 

We here at DiceCoach.Com, myself, Beth, the Coach's wife, Pablo, our webmaster and master woodworker, and Pat, the Webmaster's wife, appreciate all of you who have taken our class, visited with us and shot with us this past year. 

And, we are looking ahead for another great year!

The Dice Coach


Another 20 minute roll!  I think between that little modification and adopting your betting tactics, that this will work well in the long run.  Thanks again!  - Bill - 

Have you ever noticed that everyone in a casino seems to be in a hurry? Are they in a hurry to win, or a hurry to lose? - From Wit & wisdom To Help You Win, by by John Gollehon -

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