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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

Ninja Craps Pro

Ninja Craps Pro




Coach how do I receive the most current information?

We are currently using a new program to keep you informed and up to date on events here in Las Vegas.

Because of the spamming laws we chose to use A-Weber, a company that has been in business for over 10 years and has a reputation of being a very secure site. They will be broadcasting our various news items, web site changes and current events here in Las Vegas.

Please note: When you sign up, any personal information is kept completely secure. We use your e-mail information for our use only. We do not give away or sell any of your information.

We will be sending out various broadcasts once or twice a month. These broadcasts will be brief, not time consuming, and will give you the most current information and notes of interest to you as a craps player.

Our first broadcast, sent out late last week, was about the latest Hilton Craps Tournament. In the future, we will be sending out current information on the local Nevada economy, news of interest about Las Vegas and updates on the various casino conditions and casino games.

We have gotten away from long, and sometimes boring newsletters, and hope this new, short and to the point information will be of interest to you.

It is easy to sign up for these broadcasts. Just go to our menu bar on the left hand side of the home page and Click on Keep Me Informed. Once you fill out the e-mail information and you will be automatically added to our current e-mail list.

If you have any questions or problems signing up please let us know.

Thank you,

Dice Coach
Another 20 minute roll!  I think between that little modification and adopting your betting tactics, that this will work well in the long run.  Thanks again!  - Bill - 
- In cards, a good deal depends on luck, and luck depends upon a good deal. -

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