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Six Craps Tosses in a Row ... Fire Bet Possible?  
BY:  CT, from Ohio

Im Back in Las Vegas again, the middle of May for my annual 4 day work seminar. First stop, Monday morning after arriving from Ohio, checking in at Bally's Casino at noon is setting up my 1pm Tune-up with the Dice Coach.  
Its funny how things that happen in our practice sessions surface at the tables. My workload is seasonal and I had only had a week or so to get some home practice in to see how bad my toss had evaporated in the past 4 1/2 months. I settle in at Beau's newly designed craps pit, set my dice (Hard Way) and proceed to toss 6 craps numbers in a row.  
"Well" says Beau, "Looks like we need to do a little work here!" After discussing how the betting should have taken place if we were in a real live session, we settled in for a good 2 hour tune-up session, tweaking my grip, toss and laying out a betting strategy if this dreaded situation again "raises its evil head".  
As always, after our session ends I feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the Casinos, carefully. Mentally I am ready to hit the tables with an intelligent plan in place.  
One betting caution from our Tune-up was the several times I Seven out after tossing 2 or 3 craps numbers in a row. We discussed, turning off bets, hoping the point and big red while removing odds bets.  
My second day of class ends at 5pm and I ramble over to one of the open tables at Bally's. Buy in at SL1, only two others at the table, one next to me at Straight-Out Left and a guy who is roving from SR2 and SO right. He just sevens out, so it's now my turn.  
As always, at any Harrah's properties, when I am shooting I always max out the Fire Bet. Drop $10 on the Fire Bet for me and $ 1for the crew.  
Drop $10 on pass line, $2 crap check, $1 hard ways and $2 Big Red. I then proceed to, just like at Beau's two days earlier, toss 6!!! Craps numbers in a row. The Stick Man turns to me and says "Sir would you like some new dice?" to which I declined. "Let's see if we can change these a little" was my reply.  
I did press the craps bets and raked in a few dollars, but my first point set was 4. Turned off bets, hopped the 4, and came back with the 4. Next point set 8, two tosses later made the 8. Again tossed a few craps numbers, and then set the 10. I did set max odds and after 2 or 3 tosses made the 10. Set the 5, then came back and made the 5 the very next point. WOW, set and made 4 points to the fire all within 11 or 12 tosses.  
As usual the Pit Boss turns and goes to the phone to call "upstairs" to record the 4 numbers made on the fire. I grab the dice and toss out a "6-3" 9 for the fifth point. Need to relax, then I toss a "1-3" 4, and think, Oh well, that was my 9. I look up at the Pitt Boss and he is on the phone talking about me making the 4 numbers. I then think, relax and concentrate and then toss a "5-4" 9 for my 5th Fire Bet Point. The Pitt Boss, then in amazement remarks that how the heck did I just make the fifth point, he had just turned around.  
All I need now is the Six for the Sixth point. Need to relax. I toss out 2 green chips ($50) and place it on the hard 6 working on the come out. Figured it out right, a (4-2) 6 set as the final point. At this point I need to turnout everything and just concentrate on the next toss.  
Tossed 1 green ($25) on the Hard 6, figured oh well, and tossed a 12, then a 2, then Hard 6" for the final point of the Fire Bet.  
WOW, just hit the Fire Bet for $10g's. WOW again. After the dust settled, I then proceeded to set and make 2 more points (the 6 and 5) before tossing the seven.  
My first thought was "I need to Call Beau and tell him 6 craps numbers in a row" is not necessarily a bad thing. My buy in was $200, and cashed out just over $8,400. Yea, the dreaded W-2G and IRS received my payment of 25% of the Fire Bet.  
I was thinking on the way home, my craps career began when we met 4 years ago and after taking several Dice Setting classes, a handful of tune-ups, obtaining one of your Tossing Stations and such, I am now one of your students who can say that with your help I was able to make a "Fire Bet" even after tossing 6 craps numbers in a row.  
Thanks Beau.  
CT, from Ohio  
May 11th, 2011  

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