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Quest for Diamond Rewards  
BY:  Dice Coach

 Quest for Diamond Rewards.

                During the past two years, Covid-19 has really done a job on my live casino sessions, and not in a good way.  Vegas closed the casinos completely for a while.  When they finally reopened, it was with plastic dividers and barricades that diluted the energy at the tables, and made for difficult playing conditions.  The pandemic mandates are now expiring, and I’m finally comfortable being back at the tables.

               Although I’ve been a Diamond player at Caesars properties for the past several years, Covid restrictions and limitations, along with the lack of playing opportunities, has dropped my tier level to the bottom of the Rewards pile.   I lost my Diamond status, and all the perks that I enjoyed. 

               As a local, my primary interest in a Diamond status is the parking benefits, and the access to the Diamond Lounges.  As our city began to return to normal, Caesars properties instituted a Valet Parking fee of $30.00 for the first 4 hours, and $36.00 for up to 12 hours.  (Unfortunately, the employees don’t see any part of those parking fees.)  These new fees are waived if you play at a Platinum level, or higher.  I might add that some of the Caesar’s properties have only limited Valet parking or no Valet at all.  Be sure you check with your hotel when you make your reservations.

               As for the Diamond Lounges, the casinos have been quietly doing away with this popular benefit.  In fact, the Paris Diamond Lounge has already been replaced with a new upscale restaurant called Vanderpump a Paris, a whimsical take on casual French dining.

               In April of 2022, Caesars offered a 5X points promotion on all table games and slots from April 14th.  -  April 17th.  I had students scheduled for classes on both days, so it seemed a perfect time to begin my quest to regain my Diamond status.   

               My first stop on April 14th was the Paris craps pit.  I went to where the pit has been for years, only to find they had moved the pit to the other side of the casino cage, behind the bar.   Even the pit boss, who arrived just after I did, was surprised.  No one had told the employees about the move.  I did notice a Crapless-Craps game had been added to the area.  Although I am personally not a fan of Crapless-Craps, I know some of you do like that game.

               Later that day, I met up with Joe P. from Texas, and Travis P. from the Pacific Northwest for a couple of craps sessions.  Both are good players, and often have great hands.  Joe was trying out a new Martingale system, which earned him lots of rewards points, but he also found the system a bit risky as the play went on.

               On Saturday I took my wife, Beth, to breakfast Mon Ami Gabi located in the Paris Casino.  It’s one of her favorite places.  After breakfast I hooked up with Joe and Travis again, and we ended up at the Cromwell Casino across from Bally’s.   Joe and I opened up a new table, and I got the dice first.  (I shot from SR1, and Joe from SL1.)

               When I’m shooting, I usually bet the feature bet, All-Tall-Small.   If there is a Fire bet, I usually bet that too.   For some reason, I placed money on the A-T-S, but missed placing a bet on the Fire Bet. 

               As I was shooting, I got into a rhythm of establishing a number, then would hit the point within a couple of rolls.  After my roll was over, I discovered that all I was missing for the A-T-S was 3 and 12.   So, unfortunately, there was no pay out there.   I did make five passes on five different numbers, and only lacked the 9 as a point number.   I had hit the Fire Bet—five out of six numbers—but missed the A-T-S.

               Fortunately, Joe had money on the Fire Bet.  His $5.00 bet on the Fire Bet paid him $1,250.00.  Unfortunately, I was not as successful.  I had not looked as closely at the layout as I should have, and missed making a bet on the Fire Bet.

               In the past I have always made a $10.00 bet on the Fire Bet, which would have paid $2,500.00, and I’ve hit that bet at both Bally’s and Paris in the past.   But unfortunately, this time I allowed myself to be distracted, and missed a great opportunity to increase my bankroll.

               It’s an important lesson learned.  No matter how skilled you are, always take a moment to look at the layout, take note all the different prop bets, and any additional plays available to you.  A few extra moments to review the layout can mean the difference between a win, and a great win.

               My weekend play was a success for the Rewards Points I earned.  I am now at the Platinum level, well on my way to Diamond status.

See you in the pits,
 Dice Coach


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The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong - but that's the way to bet. -Damon Runyon-

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